How Does CPM Ad Pricing Work?

How Does CPM Ad Pricing Work?

The Internet offers myriad new ways to promote your business, and many entrepreneurs turn to online advertising as a portion of their marketing plan. If you plan to include new media advertising in your next campaign, it’s essential to understand how its pricing...
eCPM — what exactly is that?

eCPM — what exactly is that?

eCPM is a bit of industry shorthand that seems here to stay. You’ve seen it listed in your AdSense reports; it means, “effective cost per thousand impressions.” So how is eCPM calculated, you ask? eCPM is calculated by dividing total earnings by...
eCPM — what exactly is that?

What is eCPM and how is it calculated?

The acronym eCPM means ‘effective cost per mille’. It is the outcome of a calculation of the ad revenue generated by a banner or campagne, divided by the number of ad impressions of that banner or campaign expressed in units of 1,000. The ‘M’ for mille in the name...