Here I want to share another way of playing adsense via wordpress to own hosting selfhosting alias. I took this article from personal experience and supplemented by the recommendations of the temperature of the master alias.
In addition to more friendly seo, wordpress also have a higher CTR because wordpress plugins complemented by super-sophisticated adsense that can be used to place ads at will. In short, it is easier to use wordpress make money via Google AdSense because it has more features in terms of adsense.

* How to maximize adsense revenue via wordpress selhosting
Note: I suggest you use English as your item so that income is greater, because we are the target visitors abroad.
1. Research keyword (keyword research)
Before we do anything, we must first perform keyword research. You can do this by using “keywords planer” or “planning the keyword” google adwords account. About how you please find out on google about “how to do keyword research on google adwords adsense”.
It aims to find keywords adsense HPK Air-high with a low level of competition, or at least as low as possible. If we have found the most appropriate keywords according to us, it means we have to get 50% of success, so said the master. And we are finding these keywords is called “Main Keyword”.
2. Buy a domain and hosting
Buy a domain and hosting, I suggest buy hosting with unlimited bandwitch. Then use the main keyword from the keyword research earlier as the “domain name” and “title of the blog”. For example: domain name, then the title of the blog is Keyword Research Results, Then “additional keywords” behind the blog title is given to reinforce the main keyword earlier. So the result like this: ~ Keyword Results Keyword Research Supplement.
So at least you are using 4 phrases / words as the title of the blog, the main keywords and additional keywords. It aims to win the competition in the google search page and to target the adsense ads that are more targeted. Several local and foreign masters usually insert the important keywords in meta tags contained in the page source in html template alias.
3. Use a web design Air-high CTR
Once you have finished installing wordpress in cpanel, choose the theme that “High CTR”. Meaning is a design blog that can generate a lot of clicks. The characteristics of high CTR template is marked with several signs, such as: light loading, the room is not too wide header, the template is not too wide, the distance between the navigation is not too far away, and others that essentially only the user’s attention will lead to content and advertising.
! But do not forget, the navigation should still be plenty. Do not put adsense ads on your blog without navigational elements as it could be banned.
About the color of the background theme / template I think it is relative, because we can adjust the color of the ads to be matched, which is important not to use the color template prying eyes.
4. Advertise the best-performing
Before implementing the ads on your blog, make sure you have your blog content enough, ie at least 15 articles and 2 weeks old.
Then place 3 ad units most working optimally, that is one size 336×280 ad unit just below the post title, then one size 336×280 ad unit just below the article, and one 728×90 ad size in the header. Or you can replace it with a more appropriate measure to your blog.
5. Update articles regularly
Write english articles according to your niche was as much as 5 articles per day. The article does not need to be too long, 100 to 300 characters is enough. then insert at least one image as a supporter of the content. If you can not speak English then you can use google translate and edit a little though not diketawain by people overseas.